To respect the data sovereignty of our partners, most of the project details are available to partners only. Please feel free to contact the UPROOT team should you have any questions. If you are meant to have access to any of these projects, please email the team at uproot.team@ubc.ca.
Mobilizing Local Pharmacy Resources to support COVID-19 Education
To increase community knowledge of COVID-19 and vaccines in the community, a BC First Nation partnered with a local pharmacy and the UPROOT team to develop a shared presentation to community members. This also served to increase the interface between the local pharmacy and the members of the First Nation.
The project members developed the presentation by interviewing select community members to identify learning objectives for the presentation. Next, a report detailing available community pharmacy resources was prepared in collaboration with the local pharmacy. The presentation was created and presented to community members via Facebook Live.
Community Partner(s)
Carolyn MacKinnon
Johanne Chaine, Pharmasave
Sara Bucholtz, E2P PharmD Student
Seamus Mcgrath, E2P PharmD Student
Community-Oriented Marijuana Education
A health services centre and community members in a BC First Nation have identified a need for more education around medicinal and recreational use of marijuana/cannabis. Local healthcare providers have noted increased uses in the community. In order to increase community knowledge around marijuana, both recreationally and medicinally, this project engaged with community partners and a local pharmacy to develop an educational presentation on marijuana via Facebook Live.
Project members conducted one-on-one interviews with community members to better understand the marijuana use and understanding within the community. An environmental scan and literature search on marijuana use in First Nations communities and create a summary report of findings. Finally, project members created and delivered an educational session on the benefits, concerns, and availability of marijuana to the First Nation’s community through Facebook live.
Community Partner(s)
Carolyn MacKinnon
Johanne Chaine, Pharmasave
Alicia Klaassen, E2P PharmD Student
Alcohol Use Disorder Resource Guide
This project created a resource guide on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) as a tool for the health care providers of a BC First Nation to best support patients with alcohol use disorder. The Guide provides patient-friendly resources for use prior to accessing a treatment centre, as well as resources that can support an individual once they return to the community.
This project was completed in collaboration with the Nursing Manager and the Support Coordinator for the First Nation. Eight resources were created and combined into the Resource Guide, including patient-friendly information and references for pharmacological treatment and management of AUD.
Community Partner(s)
Carolyn MacKinnon
Connie Nole
Kalveen Sidhu, E2P PharmD Student
Sarah Burke, E2P PharmD Student
Designing a Diabetes Self-Management Course
In collaboration with the health centre for a local BC First Nation, this project designed a six-week course on diabetes self-management for community members who have or have been newly diagnosed with diabetes.
The course was divided into six modules: 1) Introduction, 2) Holistic Care and Diabetes, 3) Nutrition and Lifestyle, 4) Medications, 5) Managing Diabetes, and 6) Diabetes and Mental Health. For each module, project members created a series of PowerPoint slides, patient handouts containing visual resources and activities, and facilitator handouts with notes, information for preparation, and materials needed for each module.
Community Partner(s)
Carolyn MacKinnon
Connie Nole
Bella Woroshelo, E2P PharmD Student
Nakya Zimmer, E2P PharmD Student
Jaelyn Argue, E2P PharmD Student